Moan: Taking a card from the middle

In this example the player opted to take a face-down card, the five of clubs, rather than the eight of spades which was face-up.

Fig 8 - taking a card into the hand

As the player is on level one, which requires two sets of three of a kind, the five is of no use. However, given the other cards in the hand they can complete the level using the three sixes, two tens and a wildcard (the two) as another ten.

In multi-player games, it is often useful to know what card the other players took from the middle and threw away. In these games, there is an area in the bottom left of the main window which illustrates the last cards taken and thrown-away.

Fig 9 - the last card indicator

Note that you are not told what card the previous player took from the face-down pack; that would be cheating! However, you are shown that it was a face-down card. This information is useful as it indicates what cards the other player isn't interested in.

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